Drama Essentials . Drama Essentials – notes
Toward a Mastery . Toward a Mastery -notes
No Money in Poetry No Money in Poetry.com . No Money in Poetry — notes
The History and Plays of The Theater of Necessity .
The History and Plays of The Theater of Necessity -notes
The Revenge Squad . The Revenge Squad -notes
Plays list Theater of Necessity Shows list
Screenplays Excursions list Sick Soaps list serial net stories
The Barefoot Butler notes The Barefoot Butler WIP
King Chaos -notes . King Chaos WIP
No Money in Poetry -notes . No Money in Poetry WIP
Performin Norman — Flacid Punk (ugly) . Drunken Digressions (Ugly) . Lyrical Lascerations (Psy-Ops) . Lyrics Impromptu (Muttonfist) . Full Tilt Bozo Lyrics . Impressions( — for SleepyTime -Muttonfist) Dissipation (Dead Skunk Stewart) . Dark Blue . (Dead Skunk Stewart)
The Female Form Frozen — book words
my first completed book was “Nicotine Mentality: Caught in the Trope”.(another format is here — not sure
Nicotine Mentality contained the beginnings of a new form of sonnet that I called “Up to Down and Sideways” sonnets and, later, Acrostic Mirrors
Childhood Poems (A Movement From Rhyme),
Reflection Creates Images That Shine On Once Wordless Pages,
New 100 Acrostic Mirrors and Across
My Life As An Autobiographer -list and notes
The Female Form Frozen by Q.Z. Blaze
Up Mine! Sick Muse . Fuck-a-Day . Love Revolution Mind Comp 101 by QZ BLAZE
Experiments in the Spine — notes