Online version of The Female Form Frozen
Behinds 1. Butts. 1Breasts ?Haircuts. 1 . Red Hair. 1Shoulders and Collarbones 2 . Backs 1 Bellies 1Breasts 4 . Faces. 3 . Freckles. 1 . Green Eyes. 1 . Hair. 4 . Hands and Feet. 1 . Legs. 3 . Pale Skin. 1 Tongues 1 Waist. 2 . Tan Lines. 1 . Muscle Definition. 2
Beaches 10 . Flowers and Pedals. 1 . Hammocks. 2 . In Doorway. 1 . In Front of Landscape or Beauty 4 . In Nature. 1 . On White. 1 . Stairs. 1 . Stairs. 1 . Striped Environment. 1 . Under Water. 1 . Water Beach 1 . Tubs 4 . Water 5 . Pools. 3 . Mirrors 22 . In Nature, With Beauty. 4 Windows 3 From Above or Below. 3 . From Behind. 5 . Frontal 3 . Chairs. 3
Profile and Quarter Profile. 3 . Pulling on Clothing. 1 . On Back 4 . On Elbows. 4 On Knees. 8 On Stomach. 5 . Dressing and Undressing. 6 . Eyes Engage. 1 . Curved Back. 1. Straight vs. Curved Backs Chin Down. 1 . Angle of the Dangle 2. Dangle Angle. 1 Arms Raised. 5 . Bodies Together. 3 . Bodies in Motion, Exercising, Dancing. 3 . Body To Body. 1 . Chin Over Shoulder. 2 . Hands on Hips. 3 . Leaning 4 . Legs Open. 1 . Lifting and Pulling Clothing. 2 . Looking at Camera. 1 . Playing With Hair. 1 . Raised Legs. 11 . Twist Body. 1 . Sitting 1 Squatting. 1 . Squished. 1 . Straight Back 1 Straight vs. curved back Touching Self. 5
Clothing as Expressive. 1 . Sunglasses. 2 . Skirts and Dresses 7 . See-Thru. 5 . Bathing Suits. 8 . Boots. 1 . Boudoir Wear. 7 . Color in Clothing 2 . Cotton White. 2 Falling Out of Clothing, Undressing. 6 . Feathers and Fringe. 2 . Fur. 1 Glits. 3 . Gloves. 1 . Gowns 3 . Knits 6 . Leather 1 . Pants and Pants Suits. 5 . Shirts and Tops. 3 . Shorts , Hot Pants. 1 . T-Shirt Style. 2 Clothing to Cover and Shape. 1
Asleep. 2 . Caught By Surprise. 1 . Caught Mid-Action 1 . Cloth to Focus and Cover. 1 . Color Blocks. 1 . Color, Focus and Shaping. 3 . Composition. 7 . Crop. 1 . Dark and Light 1 . Depth of Field. 2 . Disheveled. 1 . Geometric Shapes. 1 . Hair Arranged. 1 Hints of Roundness 4 . Light Stripes. 1 . Lighting. 4 . Lipstick and Red Accents. 1 . Monochromatic. 4 . Monochromatic Vs. Chromatic 1 Obvious Composition. 1 . Phones. 1 . Silhouettes 3 . Skin Framed 1 . Skin Impressions. 1 . Skin Under Cloth Shapes 2 . Skin Cover. 1 . Suds 3 . Sunlight 1 Texture 5 . Texture With Light. 1 . Theme. 12 Use of Color. 6 . Veils and Blurs. 2 . Water as Texture. 6 Ways To Cover. 3 Ways to Cover Up. 1 Wet and Wet Clothing. 2 . What’s The Story? 1
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